Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Saturday August 10 2019 - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Location: Private Home • 1819 Morning Brook Dr • Forest Hill

This event is cancelled. We offer our apologies and hope you will be joining us soon. Fall events will be announced soon. Blessings

Using the potent medicine that is Ceremonial Cacao, Ceremonialists and Facilitators Christel and Jim will guide you with Love and Benevolence on a path of Remembering the Magnificence of who you are.

A cacao ceremony is an opportunity to connect to yourself and open your heart. Because of cacao’s ability to increase your connection to your inner self and your heart chakra, it aids in any transformational shift you are working towards. Whatever your path, the intention is yours to set, and the cacao allows you to the insight and awareness to move towards that goal.

When we sit in Ceremony, in Circle, we all support each other and we Amplify the power of Love and Transformation that is activated by the Cacao medicine.

We work with Keith’s Cacao, a Criollo Guatemalan Cacao. Exceptional quality cacao beans that have been milled very finely but not roasted or processed in any other way. We ensure this quality by using a wild variety that is traditionally grown and hand-prepared by indigenous Mayan people in the Lake Atitlan region of Guatemala. This cacao is grown and processed without any chemicals and the local women who prepare the cacao receive fair pay for their work. We have a direct relationship to our cacao source.

These Ceremonies are facilitated by Christel Libiot and Jim Wert, both with vast experience and knowledge of healing practices. They have led numerous Cacao Ceremonies in the Mid-Atlantic and have a global following. Christel and Jim have together and individually led many Sacred Circles, workshops, and ceremonies.

Please arrive to the event well hydrated and having had a small meal or snack before our ceremony.


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