Clarify your Soul Purpose – Claim your Sovereignty

Clarify your Soul Purpose – Claim your Sovereignty

Friday October 11 2019 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location: The Journey Space • 6110 Oberlin Ave • Glen Echo

“We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.” — Mary Dunbar

In this installment of our Shamanic Self-Awareness class you will be with the Universal Principle of Sovereignty and explore ways to clarify your Soul Purpose. When you chose a life of Soul Purpose, you also choose a life of Sovereignty.
Living a life of Sovereignty means setting healthy boundaries and being clear as to what you are saying Yes to in your life. It also means tending to your Fire within and discovering what brings you the most Joy in life. Most of all it means going deeper in the stillness of your Soul to listen and receive the Guidance. Your Soul knows the Path. Trust it.

Through Shamanic journey, rituals and experiential exercises, you will have an opportunity to hear, see, feel the Unique Expression of your Soul and your Self!!

Be the person you truly want to be and join us for a 10 month journey to explore yourSELF. Like the butterfly it takes some time before we emerge and each class will build on the previous one, offering tools to fully let go of assumptions, preconceptions and old stories. What are you ready to release so you can fully BE your authentic soul-self? We will use shamanic journey, remember deep ancient wisdom and embrace a life lived in Consciousness.
Learn to move your own ego, thoughts, assumptions, preconceptions, and emotions out of the way so you can step into and Remember your true, authentic soul-self
A series of 10 one day workshops. Pick and choose or come to all

WHEN: Monthly on a Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Next classes: Nov 22, Dec 13
HOW MUCH: $100/class –
Bring a friend and get 20% off
Contact us if you need a payment plan

For More Information or Questions, please contact Co-Teachers:
Mimi Ikle-Khalsa – –
Christel Libiot – –

Your guides:
Christel Libiot celebrates each person in their truth, and combines the various modalities she has been steeped in over the past 20 years to support, with her smile and open heart, people individually and in group, in women’s circles, workshops and ceremonies. She is a Certified Modern Wisdom Practitioner/Modern Day Priestess initiated through the Institute of Modern Wisdom, a Reiki Master, a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and a Certified Life Coach. Additionally, since 2005, Christel has been a leader of the Woman Within Weekend, an empowerment workshop for women, in the US and Europe. She has designed and led wellness workshops, retreats, classes and sacred alchemy circles in the mid-Atlantic area. With her husband she co-leads Cacao Ceremonies, “The Heart Opening Experience”. Her path is that of Service to Love Absolute. – www.PriestessWalk.comand

Mimi Ikle-Khalsa, is a teacher at heart. She studied Shamanism in the Shamanic Healers Program over 2 years with Mary “Tyrtle” Rooker at Shamanic Spring. This training is in the lineage of Sandra Ingerman and Betsy Bergstrom. This approach to Shamanism focuses on holding compassion for all beings. Mimi is an accomplished business woman who leads many for-profit and nonprofit organizations. She opened her school Heartwaves Healing Institute in 2012, where she teaches Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. In 2018, Mimi opened The Journey Space, in Glen Echo, MD, a beautiful Healing Arts Center. and

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