Anchoring Peace with Cacao and Crystals

Saturday March 24 2018 - 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Location: Crystal Cognizance • 2239 Tacketts Mill Dr • Lake Ridge,

BE with the Sacred Essence of Ceremonial Cacao and the Power of Crystals

BE with the Energy of Spring and Inspired Action

BE with the Energy of the Open Heart

Cacao will support you  in making the choices  that will support your personal journey

Crystals will Amplify the Ceremony and the Journey

You will receive the gifts of Ceremonial Cacao to open the heart and you will be surrounded by a Crystal Grid that will enhance the experience. Cacao was once called “heart-blood” by ancient indigenous Central American cultures, as chocolate expands the heart. With over 1200 chemical constituents, the beans from Theobroma Cacao (translating from the greek: theo = god and broma = food and cacao = the mayan name for the chocolate beans) – or the chocolate tree, appear to be the most pharmacologically complex food in nature. High vibration Cacao is full of powerful neurotransmiters and anti-oxydants will improve your health.  

The context of the ceremony is a safe and beautiful space that supports reflection and connection to the “larger aspects of yourself”. This creates a rare opportunity to explore and sit with the stories of the heart and to identify areas that are causing you restriction, limitation and pain. You have the chance to relax deeply and receive insights, inspiration and creative ideas that can give you a clarity on the “next steps” of your life and where you can support your overall health.

Energy Exchange: $30.00 – PayPal link for your ticket

Bring your journal, water bottle and what you need to be comfortable

Past ceremonies have included meditation, guided visualization, chanting, breathwork, toning, sharing in circle, music, dance and more.

Crystal Cognizance, 2239 Tacketts Mill, Drive, Lake Ridge, VA 22192

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