Cacao Ceremony at Summer Solstice Gathering

Cacao Ceremony at Summer Solstice Gathering

Sunday June 24 2018 - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Location: Amethyst Retreat Center • 44 Buffalo Creek Road • Duncannon

This Cacao Ceremony is will take place on Sunday morning from 10-1 after a full day of Celebration and workshops, with Mystic Fire Circle on Saturday evening. This whole event is being hosted by Erica Jo Shaffer. Join us for the whole weekend. Contact Erica Jo at for more information and to register for the whole weekend or just for the Cacao Ceremony.

As David Wolfe says “chocolate is helping usher in the ‘Cardiozoic Age’— the Age of Heart. Cacao seems to help correct the imbalance between mind and heart, allowing the mind to support the heart. Increasing the heart energy brings forth compassion, wonder, healing and, most importantly, unconditional love.” Cacao is a superfood with medicinal value and over 300 nutritional compounds. One of its main active ingredients is Theobromine, which literally translates as God-Food, and facilitates the release of dopamine, the ‘pleasure’ hormone. Cacao supports memory, immunity, heart health and helps relieve stress and depression. It contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food on the planet.

These Ceremonies are facilitated by Christel Libiot and Jim Wert, both with vast experience and knowledge of healing practices. They have led numerous Cacao Ceremonies in the Mid-Atlantic and have a global following. Christel and Jim have together and individually led many Sacred Circles, workshops, and ceremonies. Energy exchange is $25

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