Be Still ~ Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Be Still ~ Sacred Cacao Ceremony

Saturday December 1 2018 - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Location: Radiance • 9 W Grant St • Lancaster

As the days continue to shorten and we get closer to Winter Solstice, we invite you to step away from the frenzy of the season and align with the energies of the winter, be in stillness and prepare for this sacred time of the year, celebrating multiple holidays. We will be supported by the energy of Ceremonial Cacao.

Let’s join in ceremony with this multidimensional plant that so gently awakens us. This opening Heart plant is divine Nourishment for The Mind, Body and Spirit!

A Cacao Ceremony is an opportunity to deepen into the Truth of who you are. Because of cacao’s ability to increase your connection to your inner self and your heart chakra, it aids in any transformational shift you are being with. Cacao is a facilitator and will invite you rather than push you on a spiritual journey.

Energy Exchange $35 – Call Radiance, or stop in to register.  717-290-1517

Our Facilitators for this Sacred Ceremony are Christel Libiot and Jim Wert, both with vast experience and knowledge of healing practices. They have led numerous Cacao Ceremonies in the Mid-Atlantic
and have a global following. Christel and Jim have together and individually led many sacred circles, workshops, trainings and ceremonies and bring decades of experience to this work.

It is a deeply spiritual experience and we invite you to join us on this blissful journey of the Heart where the magic of life unfolds… perhaps even in ways you have never experienced before.

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